There are so many people that don't know what to do with their lives. They could start college and go into a degree more than once. Growing up is so scary to most but yet they wanted to grow up so fast. Starting a young age wishing to do the same thing as older siblings. In this world there are things that could scare a person to go into hiding and not wanting to know what is going on around them. Some just ignore what they have to take responsibilities for. So yeah most people don't know what they want but they keep going on in this world hoping for a better life.
Finding happiness or who they want to be is hard to do. Wanting change bad enough can be achieved.
As warm wind blows through the trees, can't stop thinking how beautiful. Clouds moving above in the sky; showing their radiant colors in the sun. Flowers giving the smell of spring that you could almost taste what it could be. Just a perfect day outside nothing can touch the feeling that comes. Dark, cold clouds cover the sun. Moist droplets of rain fall down covering every corner of the earth. Everything can change in one second. Only finding the place is turning into a nightmare. Wishing the place was like before; warm and comforting..
Life can change like that, everything is going great and boom everything you worked for is gone.
It a choice as well; of how things go. Life could go to ruins and fall to peices. Picking up the peices can be really hard after a fall. Can the peices be picked up? Is all gone and impossible to fix?
In life there are things that get in our way where we need to move. Like a death in the family or even unexpected sickness. There are many things that can put us down. Even ourselfs can get in the way; of what we can do with ourselves. Growing up isn't the easiest thing but we all have to do it. We all can do anything we wanted to do. There are some thoughts that come to mind. Am I really that quailfied to do that? I can't do that I am not smart. Putting ones self down all the time doesn't help ones self esteem. We have all done this in our lives. All that needs to be done is believing in ones self.